"I need to get a job" is the ultimate desire of most of the students. Very few can dare say I want to be an entrepreneur because it demands courage, determination, creative thinking, challenging and risk bearing attitude. To be an entrepreneur is difficult, but not impossible. A report by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics states that the unemployment rate has gone down by 4.3 per cent, but a large number of graduates remain unemployed every year. The employment sector is overcrowded and it is high time we need to think about in terms of more entrepreneurs rather than job hunters. Here is the reason why students should think about being an entrepreneur. Karmasangsthan Bank provides credit facilities to the unemployed youths for self-employment. The ceiling is Tk.0.5 million for individual and Tk.2.5 million in case of multiple partners. The money is given to people who are willing to establish their own business. Bangladesh Bank in association with commercial banks and the Bangladesh Institute of Management has organized an 'Entrepreneurial Development Program' to help the unemployed youths achieve the prerequisites of entrepreneurship. Expanding the SME is another way to create new employment and the commercial banks distributed loans of Tk.906.05 million among 578,018 enterprises under the supervision of Bangladesh Bank which is up from 14 per cent during 2012-14 (Bangladesh Economic Review, 2015). To increase women's participation in entrepreneurship, BSCIC, in association with USAID initiated a 'Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme'. Although there are immense opportunities for entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, but risk taking mentality, lack of capital and good will are among the main obstacles. Now-a-days universities have included courses, seminars and and workshops on leadership to help students understand the importance of entrepreneurship, leadership, innovations and creative problem solutions. Economists think that entrepreneurship works as a catalyst in the economic development process of our country and is a step forward to create employment, and self-employment.
Sayma Sultana
East West University