
Sunflower farming gaining popularity in Manikganj

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Sunflower farming has been gaining popularity among the district's farmers, the Department of Agriculture Extension sources said.

Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources said the farmers are keen to cultivate sunflowers in their fellow lands, especially in the char areas of the Padma and the Jamuna, as they can earn more profits from it.

A total of 23 hectares of land have already been cultivated in the district this year. But, DAE earlier set a target of cultivating sunflowers on 40 hectares of land in the district with a production target 48 metric tones of oil during this season.

Deputy Director of DAE Abu Mohammad Enayet Ullah told BSS, the DAE distributed improved quality seeds of Sunflower among the farmers of the district.

The crops specialists and field-workers of DAE continued rendering their field-level service to let the cultivators know about the modern cultivation methods to cultivate Sunflower crops through using latest technologies by reducing production costs.

The sources said the cultivation is continuing all over the district, adding that last year Sunflower was cultivated on 76 hectares of land, although the DAE set a target to cultivate on 20 hectares of land, reports BSS.